Shooting Star by Katja Glieson. Performed by Jacqui Martin (Nanny Neptune), Felicity Bender (Sterky the Seahorse) and Mellissa Brown...
“The Monster” Eminem Feat. Rihanna (Veg and Mite)
Alpha Shows, , Videos, ..., Alpha, Eminem (Record Producer), King Arthur (Fictional Character), Maleficent (Film), Melbourne Children's Theatre, The Monster, Troll (Mythical Creature), 0Deleted scene from our Number Ones Video for 2013. Which can be seen here: The Monster performed by Veg...
Characters in a box
Alpha Shows, , Videos, Actors, Aladdin, Alpha, Beauty and the..., Cinderella, Hercules, Hunchback of Notre Dame, King Arthur, little mermaid, Merlin, Sleeping Beauty, Stop Motion, veg, 0How many Alpha characters can you fit in to a box? Let’s find out… Edited by James Bodin #booktoday...
James Shaw’s Impersonations
Alpha Shows, , Videos, Alpha, Impersonations Silly Joke Ridiculous Weird Bizarre Totally wrong, 0James Shaw does his famous impersonations. This time it’s Brad Pitt and George Clooney
One Way or Another – Sleeping Beauty (LIVE)
Alpha Shows, , Videos, Alpha, alpha shows, Blondie (Musical Group), Education (Word), educational, Emotional educations, live, Maleificent, schools, Sle..., touring, Video Clip (Film), 0A Live performance Video clip of ‘One way or another’ from Sleeping Beauty 2013. As performed in many locations...
Lancelot and Merlin from Alpha Shows King Arthur fight it out in the park!
Alpha Shows, , Videos, Alpha, Children, combat, Equality, Excalibur, Fight, King Arthur, Lancelot, Lo..., Merlin, Playground, Road, Shows, stage, Stick, theatre, Trip, YouTube Capture, 0On our way up to Brisbane QLD, in a park en route, Lord Mordred (Lancelot) and Merlin battle it...
Murky from Alpha Shows King Arthur auditions for Mrs Potts in Beauty and the Beast
Alpha Shows, , Videos, Alpha, Goblin, Popular, Wicked, YouTube Capture, 0Murky the Goblin from Alpha Shows King Arthur sings Popular from Wicked as an audition for the part of...
King Arthur – Guinelot!?!
Alpha Shows, , Videos, Alpha, childrens, Dragon, educational, emotions, Goblin, Lancelot, Merlin, Production, Productions, School entertainment, Shows, the, YouTube Capture, 0King Arthur’s Guinevere and Lancelot become ONE!!?! Thanks to @JABodin
Kanye West VS Eminem (Jafar VS Frollo Rap Off)
Alpha Shows, , Videos, Alpha, Children's Theatre, disney, Eminem (Record Producer), Freestyle Rap (Musical Genre), Jay, Kanye West, Kids, School show, Theatre (Award Discipline), 0Jafar from Alpha Shows Aladdin VS Frollo from Alpha Shows Hunchback of Notre Dame rap for their honour and...
Alpha Shows – The Harlem Shake The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Alpha Shows, , Videos, Alpha, Dame, Djali, Esmirellda, Frollo, Harlem, Hugo, Hunckback, Notre, On, Phoebus, Quasi, Quasimodo, Shake, Shows, Victor, 0The cast of Alpha Shows Hunchback of Notre Dame give you their version of the Harlem Shake. On set....