View Profile
Name | melisha60 |
School/Venue/Organisation | works at Lovisa accessories in Hurstville |
Current Location | Sylvania waters |
Hometown | cronulla |
Pronouns | Girl |
About Me | I love chocolate !! and my dream is to be a great inspirational actress or a Disney princess at disneyland. |
Favourites about Alpha Shows | my favourite character is Belle from beauty and the beast because even though she does not know anyone's story she does not judge and looks for the inner goodness of everyone. |
Favourite Music | I love pop music and movie soundtrack music |
Favourite Movies | anything from disney !! and movie that provide inspiration 🙂 |
Favourite Books | I love the wake series by Amanda Hocking, Harry potter, and the game of thrones |
Favourite TV Shows | how I met your mother and beauty and the geek |
Favourite Games | I love to play WOW and monopoly |
Sports | I love nrl I'm a huge st george dragons fan 🙂 |
Performing | I am a very skilled actress, I love to sing and I also do ballet. |
Activities | I love to swim in the ocean, read books and build sancastles 😛 |