King Arthur – Season 1 2025



King Arthur | SEASON 1 | Term 1/2- | 2025

Reserve your spot in the King Arthur 2025 schedule by booking online with a $400 deposit. Once you’ve completed checkout, we’ll finalize the remaining details with you, including student attendance, the exact date, and other logistics.

About the Show

Capturing the magic of the classic legend and its characters combined with the magic and traditions of an Alpha show, King Arthur is a wonderfully engaging show, utilising the classic myth to create a lot of fun as well as significant character development usually only seen in movies.

Allow the audience to resonate and be inspired as they connect in with the various archetypes ingrained in the story and our souls. Camelot is an energy that is available to all of us today, and this story inspires all to connect into their own power, create equality within and with all others, and become more loving so that we can all be kings!


Outcome: To bring an understanding of the power of accepting the truth that all of humanity is equal and to learn to bridge the gap between our current attitudes and the truth of equality.


One of the biggest challenges facing the planet today is the inequalities we face as a human race. Once we emotionally accept the truth, that we are all equal, all one, then we can begin to transcend some of the destructive patterns. Setting ourselves up as either better, or less than, others, is out of harmony with the truth, and will only lead to suffering.

We feel this show is an integral part of the integrated shows Alpha offers, as it offers clear solutions on the path to a more loving soul condition for your children.

It is MORE CHALLENGING than some of our other shows. It’s concepts are more advanced and the emotional journey’s these characters embark upon are quite dark and dramatic at times. However, this is for a reason. And the show is still very very fun! We want to take the audience on a ride, to the extremes of the scale of laughter and powerful dark moments. That way we can learn more from the characters and the choices they make.


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