Alpha's 'Sleeping Beauty' - Another HIT!
We have performed almost 30 shows of our 60 show tour of Sleeping Beauty - touring to Theatres, Festivals and Primary Schools all over Victoria. So far we have had a 100% rebooking rate into 2006's new show 'Cinderella' or other shows in 2006 - this is an impressive effort with a mix of audiences, some who have had us back 3 times, and some who have never had us before! Certainly a good sign that Sleeping Beauty will join Alpha's other shows as a favourite and one of the highest quality shows available!
Some feedback so far:
"Unlike other company's shows that focus on one area of the curriculum, Sleeping Beauty covers a broad range of issues relevant to children and important values that can be reinforced in the integrated curriculum classroom." - Danny Forrest & Jenny Goldsmith, Donald PS @ local theatre for a 'Family Evening' show!
"I loved the songs - including music that the kids know; keeping them involved; and all the great morals. Thank you - you do a great job. The adults love it too! :-)" - Clairvaux Catholic School
"Captivated all children from Prep to Yr 6, and lots of good 'one-liners' for the grown-ups to enjoy as well!" - Kananook PS
"It was wonderful, it also contained some great themes and values about bullying etc, the children and teachers got a lot out of this production" - Tara Horkings, Tongala PS
"FABULOUS! Top singers, great sets (beautiful painting Phil!) Very funny - just keep 'em rolling! Love it. A professional show". - Lloyd Poole, Kingsley Park PS

SHOWCASE Alpha's Beauty and the Beast.
We've had an amazing response to our showcase performance with a large number of venues realising the extra quality and value we can provide them and showing interest! We look forward to working with Victorian venues to ensure children and families are brought the highest quality children's theatre possible.
If you showed interest from Showcase and haven't finalised your September 2005 season (or anything this year) - now would be a good time to lock in a 'Beauty and the Beast' for your venue! Call 1300 850 658 to find out the dates available.
If you're a venue that doesn't traditionally offer children's shows - perhaps it is time to think again! We provide BIG shows, that are affordable for you, and can attract large audiences of children AND adults - it's up to you! Our shows can be made the premiere family event of the season - we have done this before and know that our shows can bring back that big community family feeling to theatre that happens far too rarely these days.
And just imagine all those new audiences you create for the future by providing the children of today with theatre they can get excited about!
Your invitation to Federation Square
Come see Sleeping Beauty for FREE during the school holidays!
We don't normally publicise the locations of our shows, but because this one is open to the public for FREE, we thought we would. So come along with any children you know. If you've been thinking about booking a show or auditioning as a performer, come see what it's all about - you're not busy, it's a Saturday! The cast includes Anne-Marie Brownhill as Sleeping Beauty, Chris Bishop, Nick Bennett, Laura Wilson, Laura Cooney and Ben Jackson.
BMW Edge, Federation Square
Saturday July 2nd 2005, 10:30am and 2:30pm
For those in regional areas, we are also at:
Ararat PAC on the 7th July at 11am, and the
Warrnambool Entertainment Centre as part of the Fun4Kids Festival on the 25th, 26th and 27th of June for 6 shows.
Unfortunately, the rest of the holidays and touring schedule is filled with non-public shows so these 9 performances are your only chance to see our new show (unless you were clever enough to book well in advance and have us visiting you soon!).
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