Welcome to the Alpha Theatrical Productions' newsletter!
Alpha Theatrical Productions (ATP) produces Australia's best touring musical theatre productions that come right to you - to your school, centre or theatre venue. You can view this newsletter online also: http://www.alphashows.com.au/newsletters/newsletter_dec2004.html |
Sleeping Beauty!
Alpha's brand new pantomime of 'Sleeping Beauty' is set to be even bigger and better than anything we have done before! If you thought our previous shows were like they should only be seen in theatres, wait to you see what we have done this time! Sleeping Beauty is truly an experience that is just like bringing the entire theatre right to you! And if you prefer, you will be able to see the show playing at a few select theatres in 2005, including our return to the Fun4Kids festival for six shows in total, where we expect to have full houses again of 600 in each performance.
If you are a school customer who has had both our previous Alpha shows, you are eligible to invite Alpha to your school for Sleeping Beauty during the May-July tour. The tour is already booked out, so if you have not had Hunchback or Beauty and the Beast, 2005 is the year to step up and increase the quality of shows you invite to your school from now on - no more excuses for indifference and lack of enthusiasm for theatre and arts - it is just far too important for our children's education and future success!
If you are a theatre manager - don't be influenced by the quality of other shows that also tour to schools - our shows are the highest quality children's productions whilst also being based on very popular classic stories that are sure to sell out in ANY theatre. Our shows also have the HIGHEST level of fun, participation and Aussie elements and characters woven into them (because it's pantomime - so we can!). We can arrange performances during any of our lenghty tours next year, check the bottom of this newsletter for the season dates.
If you are a school holiday program manager and can manage to organise a large enough group, we would be more than happy to visit your centre during the mid-year school holidays. Take advantage of the Summer holidays to confirm a booking with us to ensure you don't miss out.
Read the testimonials for our first 2 productions here: http://www.atp.alphamedia.com.au/testimonials.html
Beauty and the Beast!
Beauty and the Beast wrapped up last Wednesday for the year, again receiving high praise, and unexpected positive responses especially from venues who have never had Alpha before. Beauty and the Beast is on the road again in August-September 2005, however this is also close to being sold out, so it's a first week of term to-do item if you want to book! |
Our annual major auditions are coming up in Janurary, so to all professional actors (or anyone who knows one!), check out the new ATP Actors page on the website for more details. Performing in an Alpha show is as much fun as participating in the audience, and just a great job, so don't miss out on your chance to audition. |
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