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Alpha Shows App – Customer Portal

1 min read

Table of Contents

When you first download the Alpha Shows App or after logging out and deleting your profile, you’ll be presented with the option to create your profile as a customer. Make sure you toggle the option:


Fill out the rest of the details and hit ‘Get Started’. You’ll be taken to the home screen – tap on ‘Customer Portal to get started, either from the Home Screen or the Dock.


You’ll then be prompted to enter your account number, which can be found in your Touring Pack or other documentation (it’s also on all your statements).


Once the tour data has been downloaded (can take a moment if you’re on a slow connection) you’ll be able to tap ‘LOOK UP’. You’ll then be shown all your details for your upcoming booking:

These are the same details as on your Touring Pack email, but far more useful as you can take action inside the app as you prepare for show day! ‘Add to Calendar’ will add the event to your device’s calendar! Very handy as a reminder.

Pre-Show Checklist is an interactive list that you can check off all items as you go, and Pre-Show Signature will give you a chance to read the conditions and sign, to take care of this before the day instead of on the day as in the past.


Further down the page are options that will become available on Show Day – to update your final audience numbers and to sign out. Please make sure you do this on Show Day so we can process the finalisation of your booking and send you your final invoice.


Also available are all the Teacher Support Downloads – you no longer have to go to the website to get access. You can also get the Cheat Sheet (short Logistics Guide), WWCC list of all performers (with the ability to share a copy to whomever needs the list at your school or venue), and also getting Workcover and Insurance details:




You’ll also be able to see a history of all Alpha Shows visits at your venue.


Add Venue Photos: #

If we have taken a picture of your venue and access details, you’ll be able to see that on there as well, but if not or it’s our first time at your venue, you’ll be able to upload your own venue pictures so that we know where to bring our vehicle/trailer in for setup, as well as what your venue type is like inside, for anything we might need to be aware of for setup.



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