The Genie (Lachlan Murdoch) in The Alpha Show of Aladdin from 2012, teaching Aladdin and the audience the process of working through emotions that block us from getting our wishes. Powerful stuff! This along with a big theatrical 90 minute hilarious show is what tours into schools all around Australia.
Alpha Show of Aladdin – Genie’s closed eye to help learn how to make real wishes
Life changing theatre for children.
Bills – Lunchmoney Lewis – EVIL STEPMOTHER – PARODY
Alpha Shows, , Videos, Alpha, childrens entertainment, Cinderella, evil stepmother, lunchmoney lewis, ugly stepsisters, 0
ALPHA SHOWS No. 1 Hits of 2015 What better Hit of 2015 to sing, for the Evil Stepmother and...
Que Sera – Justice Crew – PARODY comedy version – Villains from Alpha Shows
Alpha Shows, , Videos, Aladdin, Comedy, Dance-pop (Musical Genre), disney, funny, hercu..., Jafar, Justice Crew (Composer), livetheatre, mordred, olympus, Que Sera, schoolshows, Spoof, 0
The Bad Guys from Alpha Shows including, Hades, Jafar, Frollo, and Lord Mordred strut their stuff and show off...
Alpha Shows Youtube Playlist
, , Videos, 0
This is on our main video page too, but just in case you missed it, it’s always good to...
Thinking Out Loud – Ed Sheeran – Cinderella Prince Charming COVER Dance version Alpha Shows
Alpha Shows, , Videos, alpha shows, Cinderella, Ed Sheeran (Musica..., Music (TV Genre), open, Prince Charming (Composition), school shows, Singing, Thinking Out Loud, touring theatre, 0
Prince Charming & Cinderella dance and sing to the Alpha Shows version of ‘Thinking Out Loud’ by Ed Sheeran....
Characters in a box
Alpha Shows, , Videos, Actors, Aladdin, Alpha, Beauty and the..., Cinderella, Hercules, Hunchback of Notre Dame, King Arthur, little mermaid, Merlin, Sleeping Beauty, Stop Motion, veg, 0
How many Alpha characters can you fit in to a box? Let’s find out… Edited by James Bodin #booktoday...
Alpha Shows – Aladdin Trailer
Alpha Shows, , Videos, Aladdin, Alpha, Shows, 0
A full length trailer going through the show so you can see the fun and impact the show has...
Geronimo – Sheppard – PARODY Alpha Shows Band!
Alpha Shows, , Videos, Alpha, ba..., beatuy and the beast, disney, fun, rock, Rock Music (Film Genre), shows for schools, shows in schools, theatre, timeson, touring shows for schools, 0
Morgana from Alpha’s King Arthur, Ashkar from Alpha’s Aladdin, Muse from Alpha’s Hercules, Beady the Mouse from Alpha’s Cinderella,...